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Beautiful Back Roads Century Ride 2015

Beautiful Back Roads Century Ride 2015

Annual Cycling Event in Cartersville, Georgia

2001 Inaugural Ride to 2015 Anniversary

The Beautiful Back Roads Century (BBC) ride is an annual cycling event held in Cartersville, Georgia, within Bartow County. The inaugural ride in 2001 saw 166 riders participate, raising over $4,500 for local charities. In 2002, the ride attracted 301 riders, and it has continued to grow in popularity each year since.

The BBC ride offers three different route options: a 100-mile century, a 62-mile metric century, and a 30-mile short course. All routes start and finish at the Cartersville Recreation Center. The century route takes riders through the scenic countryside of Bartow County, with rolling hills, winding roads, and beautiful scenery. The metric century route is a shorter version of the century route, while the short course is a good option for beginner cyclists or those who want a shorter ride.

The BBC ride is a great way to experience the beauty of Bartow County and support local charities. All proceeds from the ride benefit the Cartersville-Bartow County Boys & Girls Club. The 2015 BBC ride is scheduled for September 12th. Mark your calendars and hope to see you all.

Facebook Event Page: Beautiful Backroads Century Ride with GPS BBC 2012 - 1034 mi 4098 ft.
